How to add Dynamic Addthis counters on Blogger Homepage

Posted by Tricks Guru In | 1 comments»
Sharing is one of the most popular ways to distribute your content and bring some traffic for your content. Among these sharing platforms Addthis and Sharethis are the most widely used platforms. Once the viewers look at your content, they share it if they are interested on it.

Eventhough your content is really nice, people don't waste their time in searching a method to share your content to their preferred bookmarking site. But if you have a sharing widget at the end of the post or content, people tend to share it because they don't have to make a specific effort to share it. So they will just click and share.

According to the past trends it has found out that the best place to place the share buttons is just after the end of your content. This tutorial is based on using the Addthis Sharing Buttons.

If you want to track how the sharing has been carried out, simply register a free account at and get the code. Lets do the trick now.

Make sure you download the template before do editing. First find out the below code from the blog template. Just follow the simple step by step guide.

Step 1 : Go to Edit HTML from the Panel. Then tick on the Expand the Widget Template.

Step 2 : Now find the below code.

Step 3 : Now paste the below code just after the code <data:post.body/> or you can paste the code genarated by add this.

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style'>
<a class='addthis_button_facebook_like' fb:like:layout='button_count'/>
<a class='addthis_button_tweet'/>
<a class='addthis_button_google_plusone' g:plusone:size='medium'/>
<a class='addthis_counter addthis_pill_style'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

Step 4 : Save the template.
Now you will see the counters are there at the end of the individual posts. But there is a problem. When you go to the homepage you can see all your post counts are same. That's because addthis code take the share counts of home page and applies to the counters at the home page. In order to show your individual post's share counts at home page you need to modify the above code.

Step 5 : It is simple. Just replace
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style'> 

with the code below

<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style' expr:addthis:title='data:post.title' expr:addthis:url='data:post.url'>

If you have already added Addthis code earlier, you have to do only the step number 5. Now you will see that your blog has dynamic share counters at your homepage under the posts.

How to insert any Image into the Facebook Chat

Posted by Tricks Guru In | 2 comments»
Recently I found out that there's a trend towards sending picture messages via Facebook chat. Earlier there wasn't any way to send a displaying picture via Facebook chat. The only option we had earlier was sending the hosted image link.But now there's a way to send images through generating a unique code.

Someone may misunderstand this with facebook smileys. But this is a small square matrix which converts into pixels and creates the image. What you have to only do is just paste the generated code in the chat bar and send.

Add any Image into the Facebook Chat
Anyway we are going to do this through a different site. The site generates the code for any of the image you want. Simply follow these few steps.

Step 1 : First go to -

Step 2 : Select the image you want to convert into FB Chat code

Step 3 : Solve the captcha puzzle and upload it.

Step 4 : Copy the generated code and send it in the chat box.

That's it. Just to check it you can check it with the following code. It's the logo of this site.

[[283625558396818]] [[283625561730151]] [[283625555063485]] [[283625548396819]] [[283625551730152]]
[[283625661730141]] [[283625668396807]] [[283625665063474]] [[283625675063473]] [[283625678396806]]
[[283625745063466]] [[283625741730133]] [[283625751730132]] [[283625748396799]] [[283625758396798]]
[[283625828396791]] [[283625815063459]] [[283625818396792]] [[283625821730125]] [[283625825063458]]
[[283625895063451]] [[283625908396783]] [[283625905063450]] [[283625901730117]] [[283625891730118]]

Happy Chatting in Facebook with your desired images.

Top Rated List of Free Anti Malware Cleaners

Posted by Tricks Guru In | 0 comments»
Maximum defense for your computer can be given by many ways. There are programmes which give a different kind of a protection than usual anti-virus programmes. You can get the same protection or guard for your computer even without these anti-virus programmes. Or else you can use these with your exiting anti virus software.

These software are commonly known as "Malware Cleaners". The below are the top six popular and trusted programmes.

McAfee Site Advisor
McAfee Site Advisor tool can be used to find out the malware before landing the desired website. With this you can minimize the affection of viruses and malware to your computer. This service is given freely by by McAfee. You can download this and install free at Once Installed you would see a green colour button at the top of your browser. Now when you search through google, yahoo or any other, you will get a detailed pop up in front of every search result.

Malware Removal Tools
Microsoft Safe Scanner
This is a free software released by Microsoft Corporation to scan viruses. You can remove all your computer's malware through this. Once downloaded you can use this for ten days. After that you have to download this again. Hence there's no need for you to update this software. You can download this from

PC Tools Spyware Doctor
This is a simple but a powerful software to find out the rooted malware of your computer.This software not only finds malware but stops their activities. This gives the protection to your web browser too, so that it stops the incoming of malware from the internet. You can download a free version of this software from

This programme has the ability to stop more than a billion malware programmes. This is really easy to use and it's with rootkit removal technology. From you can download the software free.

Spyware Terminator
Spyware Terminator is backed with both spyware removal and anti virus protection. It's database will be automatically updated everyday. Hence the latest information on the new spyware is always there with the programme. You can download a free version of this software from

This is a speedy computer defense tool. This enables to remove each kind of malware from your computer. You can download a free version of this too from