Lifestyle-Based Usage of YouTube

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Why people view, even download YouTube content

YouTube as a video sharing platform is widely used by people from all life stages and varied lifestyles. This site is a melting pot of anything and everything which can be rendered in videos or audios. The result then is an array of lifestyle-based usage. The uses of YouTube highly vary from one person to another, gratifying specific needs and wants. Some are content with streaming videos online, while others would find a way, come hell or high waters, to download YouTube videos of their liking.

A Melting Pot of Users 

YouTube - Why People download cntent from youtube
YouTube is perhaps the world’s largest library, archives, record bar, as well as classroom. In this world where content is king, YouTube definitely takes the crown. Admittedly, the users of YouTube are too complex and too diverse to classify. Still, here’s the list of some of the most common YouTube user categories based on lifestyle.

· Trendsetters and Trend spotters. These include both individuals who mean fun and who mean serious business in using YouTube. The trend spotters are those who are in sync 24/7 on what’s trending and what could be trending on YouTube—from music videos, parodies, and any other random content. This user group aims to be the first to spot the next big thing online simply because they live and breathe trends, or because they aim to establish authority in the blogosphere, hence, always be among the earliest adopters. Trend spotters may also be those who work in creative digital agencies. You may expect these individuals to download YouTube videos, which are to be their pegs on the next client pitch.

Trendsetters, in this context, are businesses which leverage social media to get the share of a rather scarce resource: consumer attention. The use of YouTube is purposive on their part, aimed at brand-building, marketing, and advertising.

· Hobbyists.YouTube is a haven for enthusiasts of any special interest, such as baking, wanting to learn a thing or two from tutorials. Spot hobbyists to download YouTube mp3s or videos for the sake of their passion, because the platform contains user-generated content—more useful than books, if you ask them.

· Fanboys and Fangirls. The followers of celebrities are just everywhere. Find them singing or dancing away to their idols’ latest music videos, or defending them against bashers on the comments page.

· Superstar-Elects.With the advent of YouTube, everyone can now become a superstar. An uploaded video or two of a song rendition or dance moves, and anyone can be on the road to stardom—in and out of YouTube. At times, users view and download YouTube covers of these superstar-elects more than of actual music stars.

· New Gen Learners. YouTube is an extension of the classroom to some students. YouTube tutorials are easier to understand than their teachers’ or professors’ lectures that they’d rather listen to or download YouTube videos and mp3s once they get home to catch up on lessons.The video sharing platform offers tutorials on an array of subject areas, as well as case study materials, and audio books.

YouTube is then a community of people with shared, yet diverse lifestyles. It is an inexpensive, yet efficient means to connect with brand consumers, interest groups, fan bases, artists, students, and a range of other groups.

The article is written and shared by Gloria Philips on behalf of where internet users can easily convert Youtube videos to MP3.

Get Connected Without Hurting Privacy Due To VPN For Small Business

Posted by Golden Dragon In | 1 comments»
In the business field, one often needs to work from his home in case of emergencies or just because he wants to. VPN stands for virtual private network. It is a network which is formed in order to exchange information between the employers and employees while keeping everything private. A public network is formulated in which certain computers are connected with the head server or computer. This is done through the internet connection established between them. This way all required computers are connected but everything being exchanged is private and kept secret from all the rest of the world. It is similar to the working of wide area network.

Is It Possible To Get Access For Main Server?

VPN is very useful in businesses as well as ordinary life. In order to obtain information from the head server, the employee does not always need to ask permission from the manager. Rather he can easily connect to the head server and obtain information. This saves time and enables the employee to feel directly in contact with the owner of the company. Another major element in best VPN for small business is that it can be used by the employees who need to travel the world and run their businesses side by side. These employees can easily conduct business activities and other meetings through the internet facility when linked in the VPN. Furthermore, this network is completely safe and private from all kinds of threats and viruses present online. It not only lets you access all the information, but hides it from all those who don’t need to see it.

How Can You Create Direct Link?

Not every time there is the availability of the bosses or business owners. But there are clients who would like to speak to the owners of the firm only because of their massive shares or contacts in the company. Even if the boss is out of station, he can easily be in contact with all sorts of clients by being in the VPN. This network establishes a direct link of the boss with everyone including the employees.

Can I Keep Check On Operational Flow?

Furthermore regarding VPN for small business is that when on vacation, the boss will be able to keep check on all business activities and the conduct of employees without having to come back to the office. All office data exchanging and financial transactions would be done through this network, giving an account of everything to everyone. This way the boss will be easily keeping eyes on all his employees and handle his business online as well.

Depth In VPN System:

There may be two types of VPNs used in small scale companies. One network is established with the condition of having a client server outside the company. This client is often the foreign employee who accesses all business information but does not appear in the office building for work. The second network that can be established is without any client present outside at all. Both methods are useful in different conditions according to the needs of the employees and employers. Businesses with ten to twelve employees can use this network and work from home in case of emergencies or vacations.