Gone PR3 with Yesterday's Google PageRank update

Posted by Golden Dragon In | 0 comments»
As bloggers, many of us target our blogs to compete with others and come up to the first place in Google. I'm not that much good on search engine optimization (SEO) for the tricky articles which I publish. On the other hand I don't have enough time to do bit of SEO for my articles and blog as I am busy with my office work.

Today I got to know that there a rumor saying Google has updated it's pagerank (PR) again. Few weeks ago, may be probably a month ago, I checked my Pagerank after I purchased the domain tricksfinder.com from GoDaddy. It was nothing significant other than a PR0. So I checked my PR just to see whether the rumor is true.

How I got Google PR3 within few months
Whoa...! I couldn't believe my eyes. What I saw was really astonishing. It was PR3 before my domain. I wonder how I achieved such a rank within few months. I just checked my rank with some of my friends those who are really working towards a better SEO rank. But what I observed was that most of their blogs has been demoted in terms of Google PR. According to my recent experience, what I feel is that Google seems to track intentional site promotions other than black hat methods.

So I thought of sharing my experiences on this PR update. I think it would be useful for those who have sites with decreased PR. The below are few tricks I use when I do blogging.

Method 1 : It is stated by many SEO specialists that after the Google Panda update, the PR algorithm has been changed and more weight has been allocated to social network shares. Normally bloggers share their content only to Facebook and Twitter. But I prefer other sharing networks than these primary sites. I used to submit my content especially to Digg and Stumbleupon. But once I got a huge traffic from Reddit as well. I'm not familiar enough with Reddit as it seems to bit complex to me. But may be that huge traffic from Reddit has come from a submission by loyal user at Reddit who visits my blog.

Method 2 : Do submit to other DoFollow social bookmarking sites like Tagza, Supfella, Fundolink. These sites allows you to submit your content and get votes for the submissions. So that you will get some additional traffic as well from those sites if they come up in the top stories of the day. Try to add social sharing buttons widget at the bottom of your blog posts. It will increase the social media impact of the readers of your blog.

Method 3 : Earlier when I put images onto blog posts, I used to do a relevant Google Image search and put an image from the search results. Now I do design a custom image and upload it into the blog post. Once you upload an image, make sure you place alt tags as well. The 'alt' tags will tell what your image is about.

Method 4 : It's better if you can always add a custom permalink to your blog posts. If you add keywords to the custom permalink, then it will increase your search engine visibility.

Method 5 : Add few subscription methods like Facebook fan pages, twitter and G+ follows, Email Subscriptions, RSS feeds etc. Once you post a new post, update those as well. So your subscribers will know that you have updated.

Those are the things I normally do when I post something. Try above few things and see whether it will work for you as well.


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